Curriculum in Urban and Regional Planning program is formulated by
concerning undergraduate (bachelor), master and doctoral program.
Undergraduate program is aimed to develop and promote urban and regional
planning with spatial orientation in Indonesia, by putting the attention more to bridge
academic knowledge and planning practice, through research skill development based
on rational planning model and on well-directed research about local cases and by
considering value system which is oriented to collective interest.
Urban and regional planning master program of ITB gives additional knowledge
and comprehension concerning planning practice and the development of urban and
regional planning form in Indonesia. The aims of the program based on graduate
competence underlined above are:
a. To prepare professionals who has knowledge and analytical skill in urban and
regional planning and development management.
b. To develop capability of planning operators, development manager and decision
maker in central and regional level in planning, the implementation and control of
urban and regional development with analytical capacity which also comprehensive
and integrated in making decision.
c. To prepare academician in urban and regional planning field who masters planning
theory, method, and synthesis in order to develop similar educational program in
university in Indonesia.
d. To prepare researcher in urban and regional planning field who is able to formulate
problems they faced, master the research method, has capability to make a correct
conclusion, and are able to develop alternative for solution.
Urban and Regional Planning ITB has six specialty paths:
(i) Regional Planning Path
(ii) Urban Planning Path
(iii) Urban Management Path
(iv) Urban Design Path
(v) Infrastructure and Transport System Path
(vi) Development Planning and Infrastructure Management (in English, joining with
Rijkunversitet Gronigen, The Netherlands)
All of the six paths above are bounded to same core courses as many as 13
ICS. The 23 credits remain are belong to specialties courses and elective courses
relevant to each path.
Doctoral program is aimed at developing and promoting mastery in urban and
regional planning as a discipline which efforts are:
• To build critical comprehension towards urban and regional planning theory and
practice at current time.
• To push students in intensifying knowledge concerning urban and regional
• To prepare students in identifying and focusing research question that is able to
create contribution in this discipline.
• To develop strong, focused, and accurate research method for research concern in
this program.
• To encourage students participate in urban and regional planning community
especially in preparing them to be expert in the field.
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